Omodaka Jusshu (澤瀉十種)

Omodaka Jusshu refers to the specialty plays of Ennosuke ICHIKAWA of Omodakaya selected by Ennosuke the third in 1975.

It consists of dances created and first performed by Eno ICHIKAWA, grandfather of Ennosuke the third, plus those produced by Ennosuke the third himself. Unlike the precedent 'Eno Jusshu,' these are dances created by two generations of Ennosuke, grandfather and grandson, so they are given the stage family name, Omodakaya.

Renjishi (a string of lions)
Sannin Katawa (three handicapped persons)
Higaki (Cypress fence)
Cho Hakkai (Zhu Bajie) (kabuki)
Ukiyo-buro (The bathhouse of the floating world)
Tsuri Kitsune (Fox Trapping)
Sumida-gawa River
Buaku (demons)
Ninin Tomomori
Yugaodana (the trellis for the bottle gourd)

[Original Japanese]